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Into the Woods

Why I built this website.
It seems that everyone has a personal website and I have built three or four in the past ~ so I thought it would be a fun way to stay in touch. I enjoy going to other peoples' sites and seeing their world.... so I thought that I would build something that shows a window into our own little world. At the very least you will know more about me when you leave my little section of the Internet!
Please sign my Guestbook on the "Contact Me" page.
Thank you!!!

What's New on the Site?
New Holiday Pixie was added to the HomePage.
(Thank You Enchanted Hollow!)
January 30, 2004
Updated Mood Indicator.
January 30, 2004
Happy Birthday Grandma Mary!
January 30, 2004
WeatherPixie added to HomePage.
March 23, 2004
A link to a September 11th Video has been added to the
"My Favorite Things" page.
The weblink is entitled "Have You Forgotten?"
March 23, 2004
Photos added to "Day in the life" page.
April 27, 2004
Updated several pages.
May 25, 2004
Happy Birthday, Kelly-Sue!!
May 25, 2004
Determined that I really need to keep this site-section updated.
October 7, 2004

Isn't this just beautiful?
Needless to say this is my "Dream Home." (It is good to have an unrealistic dream or two ~ I think!)

The WeatherPixie

 Into the Woods without delay,
but careful not to lose the way....